Princeton Biosociology Research Group

During Fall 2022, we will meet at 1:30 pm to 3 pm on most Mondays.  If you are interested in attending the group meetings, please contact me via email.

The Princeton Biosociology Research Group seeks to thoughtfully integrate biomarkers and social-behavioral data. Ongoing studies in this vein range from investigating the effect of Neanderthal ancestry on socioeconomic and behavioral outcomes to developing variance polygenic scores (vPGIs) for phenotypic plasticity (as a prelude to interacting them with exogenous social environments). Other work examines social genetic effects (i.e. effects of random variation in peer genotype on ego's phenotype) in both the school setting and within families (i.e. social niche formation versus synergistic effects). We are also looking at natural, prenatal genetic selection gradients as a threat to sibling fixed effects model estimation (i.e. whether certain genotypes disproportionately survive the antenatal period and the parental correlates of such selection). And we are studying the impact of sibling differences in observable birth endowments (as measured by birth weight) versus initially unobservable birth endowments (genotype as measured by PGIs) in fostering unequal parental investments. Other work uses genetics to identify cross-spouse effects on depression, BMI and other phenotypes as distinct from assortative mating.

Replication Files, data, GWAS Betas, etc.:

Files for "A Sibling Method for Identifying vQTLs": 

Code to create sibling pairs for FHS

Code for sib-based vGWAS 





Code for simulation